GIGAPOP INTERNET SERVICES has selected TierPoint data Centers throughout Oklahoma to house it’s ISP, WAN and Cloud services.
TierPoint helps your organization manage risk, drive performance and improve agility. Our state-of-the-art facility, located in the heart of the nation’s energy belt, is part of a nationwide network of data centers that share our commitment to:
- Carrier Neutrality and Redundancy By having many on-net carriers and by supporting cross connects to other carriers, you get access to the Internet bandwidth and connectivity services of your choice.
- Security and Compliance Equally important is a company-wide emphasis on security and compliance including the establishment of a national office to define and deploy information security best practices to serve client needs.
- Responsiveness and Expertise All of our data centers are supported by people who are passionate about client success, responsive to unique client requirements and have the technical expertise and desire to help clients achieve their business goals.
TierPoint's Tulsa-State Farm data center is a safe, secure facility that is audited under SSAE 18 SOC 2 Type II, PCI-DSS1, GLBA and HIPAA standards annually and is ITAR and EU-US Privacy Shield registered.
* PCI-DSS – Certification on PCI-DSS Requirement 9 & 12 (Physical Security and Information Security Policies) on data center (colocation) services. Colocation provides secure space, power, and environmental controls for merchants and service providers, some of which fall under PCI compliance. No logical access to any customer systems that may contain cardholder data. Tulsa - State Farm Data Center Specifications